By Greg Warren MP

04 June 2024

Mr GREG WARREN (Campbelltown) (22:00): I am delighted tonight to recognise the winners of the Wests Sports Volunteer of the Year Awards 2024. Over 100 nominations were received. I acknowledge Elizabeth Dyet from Wests hockey club who has been a member of the club since she was five years old. Elizabeth has been an assistant coach and then head coach of the under‑6s and under‑8s. She also is one of the first people to volunteer for club fundraisers. I also acknowledge the many other recipients of awards who have achieved so many things. Elizabeth Blowes has been a volunteer with the Campbelltown District Netball Association for 25 years and has held roles as an umpire, coach and committee member. I acknowledge all the volunteers, the parents and the players who are contributing so much during the winter competition.