St Gregory's College

St Gregory's College  Main Image

By Greg Warren MP

21 March 2024

Mr GREG WARREN (Campbelltown) (16:57): I recently had the privilege of attending St Gregory's College for the opening of its new all-purpose building, the Gregorian Centre. I was joined by my colleague the member for Camden; and the Mayor of Camden, Councillor Ashleigh Cagney; and Campbelltown City Councillor John Chew. The $8 million project is a great outcome, and I am proud that the Government worked with the school to deliver the facility. It consists of a theatrette, numerous band rooms and other small outreach rooms, as well as a cooking area and a whole raft of other things. It is a fantastic display of a government working with a local school to deliver a good outcome for the benefit of the people who matter most, and that is our students. I congratulate principal Matt Brennan and acknowledge Bishop Brian for being there, as well as all the old boys. It must be noted that when the project hit a bit of a hurdle, the old boys of the school stood up with their construction company and other organisations to get it across the line. Well done to St Greg's, and thanks for having me.