19 September 2023

Mr GREG WARREN (Campbelltown) (17:52):
I take this opportunity to recognise the exceptional service of Jennifer Pareezer and Katrina Dordevic, who have each served 20 years with WILMA Women's Health Service this year. Katrina joined in March 2003 and is a health promotions worker and naturopath. Jenny joined in September2003 and was the first caseworker to be employed in women's health—a role that she is still in today. Both these women do exceptional work, often going above and beyond to support some of the most vulnerable women in need in Campbelltown and the Macarthur region. I thank them for their years of service. I also thank WILMA for the incredible work it does in the Campbelltown community, and I thank all of its staff for the work they do for so many women across our region.