By Greg Warren MP

20 June 2024

Mr GREG WARREN (Campbelltown) (11:54): My question is addressed to the Minister for Lands and Property. Will the Minister update the House on how the New South Wales Government is utilising public land to address the housing crisis to provide well-located, affordable homes close to where people work?

Mr STEPHEN KAMPER (Rockdale—Minister for Small Business, Minister for Lands and Property, Minister for Multiculturalism, and Minister for Sport) (11:55): I thank the member for Campbelltown, who is an exceptional member of Parliament. He is an exceptional representative for his community and is fixated on fixing the housing crisis. This Government is focused on solving the housing crisis. Members opposite spent 12 years sitting on their hands. They have numb hands. Today you will not find them offering solutions. I am waiting on the budget reply from the shadow Opposition leader. We will see what he has to offer.

The SPEAKER: The Minister will direct his comments through the Chair.

Mr STEPHEN KAMPER: Opposition members are dog whistling to the tune of Peter Dutton. We heard that today, blaming a decade of housing policy failure, at all levels, solely on migration. Opposition members in the other place are tearing down significant reform with no alternative. Those NIMBYs have become numpties—which of course stands for "no useful methods, policies or thoughts". But do not worry about the numpties; the Government is getting on with solving the crisis. As part of the responsible budget announced on Tuesday, the Government announced the first tranche of land identified by the audit that will soon be made available. Property and Development NSW has identified 44 sites suitable for housing in the first tranche, with many more tranches to come.

The SPEAKER: I call the member for Oatley to order for the third time.

Mr STEPHEN KAMPER: Those sites will aid the delivery of 30,000 new homes as part of the landmark $6.6 billion Building Homes for NSW program. Homes NSW and Landcom, the Government's developers, will have the first choice of sites for the delivery of social, affordable, essential worker and market housing. Other sites will be developed into housing in partnership with the private sector. As I touched on earlier, it is the first of many tranches that the audit will deliver to assist in addressing the housing crisis. As part of the budget, the Government announced an additional $5 million to continue the great audit work of Property and Development NSW. [Extension of time]

At the first sign of delivering more housing through the land audit, who was there to oppose it? It was the member for Ryde. He was furious. The claws were out. Even spending time with his beloved tabby could not calm him down. "Puss in Boots" will oppose housing at every turn. It does not matter if it comes from the New South Wales Government or from his own Liberal-controlled council, he will oppose it. That is what he does.

The SPEAKER: Order! I call the member for Ryde to order for the first time. I call the member for Ryde to order for the second time.

Mr Kevin Anderson: Point of order: The Minister should refer to members by their correct titles.

The SPEAKER: I uphold the point of order.

Mr STEPHEN KAMPER: I retract the "Puss in Boots" comment.

Mr Alister Henskens: Point of order: The Minister showed great disrespect to the Speaker's ruling when he made that comment. He is making a mockery of the Speaker. He ought to be called to order.

The SPEAKER: It was inappropriate but I am reasonably thick-skinned. I am okay with it. There is too much jest in the answers and interjections. Members will come to order.

Mr STEPHEN KAMPER: Their Federal colleagues are outraged. Senator Bragg said, "We need to be unambiguously on the side of supply and development." The Federal member for Hughes said, "We are in a crisis and we have to throw everything at this problem." But the State representatives are totally opposed to more housing. The shadow Minister for Planning is trying to create chaos with his ludicrous bill, which he should withdraw.