By Greg Warren MP

21 June 2024

Mr GREG WARREN (Campbelltown) (12:30): I am delighted to make a brief contribution to debate on the Government Sector Employment and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024. The bill amends the functions and objectives of the Public Service Commissioner and the Secretary of the Premier’s Department under the Government Sector Employment Act 2013. The bill also amends the employment arrangements for the Chief Executive Officer of the NSW Reconstruction Authority under the NSW Reconstruction Authority Act 2022. It also makes consequential amendments to certain Acts and regulations.

As previously stated, under these reforms the Premier's Department will be responsible for ensuring the public service has the skills needed to deliver essential services across the State. That is ultimately what this bill is about. I acknowledge the importance of our public sector workers, many of whom are on the front line serving our community not only in hospitals but also in schools, on trains and in many other areas of government. Something that gets lost on some members of this place is that many public servants have lifelong commitments to public service. They do not go to work only to earn an income or for a professional purpose. They have a personal purpose. They are invested in and get a kick out of going to work every day to serve the public. That is an honourable commitment.

I do not like giving attention to irrelevant members in this place, but I acknowledge the previous statements made by them. It is in Labor's DNA to support our public sector workers. It is in our DNA to know that the public service is a pivotal and important part of our society, particularly in New South Wales. It is in the DNA of the Liberal Party to take a swipe at the worker any chance it gets. Liberal members love to directly or indirectly have a go at workers. I have no idea why. Members opposite are often saying "your union mates". Alright, we have mates in unions. But not every worker in New South Wales is a member of a union. Yet, members on this side of the House support all workers. We support our unions. We support our stakeholders. Most importantly, we know that by supporting workers. We are supporting the people of New South Wales who matter most. I commend the bill to the House.