Better Regulation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2024v

By Greg Warren MP

14 August 2024

Mr GREG WARREN (Campbelltown) (12:38): I am delighted to make a brief contribution to debate on the Better Regulation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2024. The bill does not make overly controversial or complicated changes, but it is a good indication that our Ministers are progressively reviewing and modernising legislation to make it fit for purpose. The bill makes a number of changes. I acknowledge all the Ministers who have proactively and progressively pursued this piece of legislation and brought it before the House. I particularly acknowledge Minister Chanthivong, who, as Minister, has a strong interest in matters of this nature and ensuring that legislation is fit for the future and fit for purpose.

As a parliament, and by extension as a government, we must make sure that legislation in this place is consistent with the needs of industry and that it responds to matters that arise throughout the course of the practices of that industry. More specifically, the amendments in the bill are minor and non-contentious. They are the result of routine and ongoing departmental examination of the legislation. I take this opportunity to acknowledge the ministerial and departmental staff who put a lot of work into the bill. The bill also contains some more significant elements that will be subject to ongoing consultation as part of implementation. As a government, consultation with stakeholders and industry is important, because it means any changes that are brought before the House are consistent with their needs and their expectations.

The proposed amendments aim to improve accuracy by removing unnecessary, outdated and redundant references. Ultimately, they will limit misinterpretation by clarifying the intent of the legislation, modernise provisions and create more future-fit laws, and support customers by reducing regulatory burden. I get a lot of feedback from my electorate about how that burden bogs people down from getting on with their day-to-day lives. I am a massive advocate and a huge supporter of having less burden placed on people and removing red tape. I believe a more fluid process provides better outcomes for industry and that it will make it more efficient and appropriate for consumers and stakeholders engaged in the industry.

When it comes to improving accuracy of legislation, the Government is dedicated to ensuring legislation remains up to date and accurate—for example, by amending the Home Building Act 1989 to remove references to "certificate IV" in gas fitting, which is not a valid qualification in New South Wales anymore, and updating the legislation with the current unit of competency. The bill seeks to tidy up a lot of pieces of legislation to make sure that they remain fit for purpose A lot of work has gone into the bill. They are not particularly controversial changes, and they are important changes. I again thank the Minister, his team and everyone involved for their efforts in bringing the bill before the House today. I commend the bill to the House.