Appin Mine Disaster Forty-Fifth Anniversary

Appin Mine Disaster Forty-Fifth Anniversary Main Image

By Greg Warren MP

20 September 2024

Mr GREG WARREN (Campbelltown) (13:01): As we mark the forty-fifth anniversary of the Appin Mine disaster, the solemn toll of that tragic event resonates through our memories and the history of our community. Lives were lost, families were shattered, and a community was forever changed. It has been 45 years since those 14 men lost their lives, and it has had a continuing impact on the Appin community, particularly the families, loved ones and friends of the workers who did not make it home on that day in 1979. Alwyn Brewin, Francis Garrity, Ian Giffard, Geoffrey Johnson, Jurgen Lauterbach, Alexander Lawson, James Oldcorn, Peter Peck, Robert Rawcliffe, Roy Rawlings, Karl Staats, John Stonham, Roy Williams and Gary Woods will be remembered forever in the Appin community and beyond. I thank all those involved in organising the ceremony this year, as they do every year, and I pay my deepest respects to those miners and all of the families affected.