Funding boost for Campbelltown community sport

Funding boost for Campbelltown community sport Main Image

By Greg Warren MP

01 May 2024

Campbelltown sports have shared in $4.4 million in NSW Government funding following the awarding of grants in the Local Sport Grant Program.

The Program provides up to up to $20,000 to individual clubs and associations with $50,000 available in each electorate to increase participation in community sport with 579 projects awarded funding in this year’s program.

Six projects were awarded funding in the Campbelltown Electorate for new equipment, programs and facilities valued at $50,000.

Some projects to receive funding include:

•    Appin United Football Club who received $4,125 for Game Day Player Kits to replace their current kit which is seasons old. 
•    Bradbury Cricket Club who received $10,000 for new equipment for the club, and junior uniforms. 
•    Campbelltown Caspers who received $7,195 to replace and upgrade old, damaged equipment, including an almost 10-year-old Zooka machine. 
•    East Campbelltown Eagles JRLFC who received $15,532 for storage upgrades to their clubhouse. 
•    Macarthur Veterans Cricket Club who received $8,200 for equipment and uniforms for players and volunteers, and for training courses for volunteers. 
•    Ruse Football Club who received $4,948 for new, fit-for-purpose uniforms for girls and ladies teams, including coloured tights for those who wish to cover up per religion.

Member for Campbelltown, Greg Warren said:

“Sport is a way of life in the Campbelltown community.

“This funding will help our local clubs and their army of volunteers to provide more opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to enjoy the benefits of sport and active recreation.

“I congratulate the funding recipients and look forward to the amazing projects they will deliver.”

Minister for Sport Steve Kamper said: 

“The Local Sport Grant Program provides vital funds for community sport.

“This year we have doubled the funding for individual projects, meaning grassroots community sports clubs and associations can provide more programs and equipment to support their participants.

“With the critical role sport plays in keeping people healthy, active and socially connected, this funding is vital to community health, wellbeing and sense of identity.”

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